School Curriculum

Having recently moved to a full two form entry school, we have decided to no longer operate a ‘two year rolling programme’ shared in phases. As such, each year group has its own areas of study without the need for this.

Our redesigned curriculum has been created to ensure that it meets the needs of all of our learners, allowing every child the opportunity to develop confidence, acquire a range of skills and demonstrate the ability to apply these skills in a range of contexts, subjects and situations.

The plans we have developed aim to ensure that each subject area is progressive as it moves up through the age phases, allowing children to build on prior knowledge, skills and understanding. Most importantly, we strive to ensure that the content we teach inspires and motivates all of our children, allowing them to achieve the best they can in all that we do whilst meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum (2014).

If you have any queries regarding our curriculum offer or feel that you have some expertise in any of the subject areas which you would like to share, then please do contact us as we would welcome the chance to discuss anything with you.

Our school curriculum is designed to be cohesively progressive for all learners. The overview for the different subject areas can be found below.

Curriculum Meetings 2024

Reading at Belmont
Early Years reading Information for Parents 2022A
Early Years Sharing wordless books

EYFS Curriculum Map
Y1 Curriculum Map
Y2 Curriculum Map
Y3 Curriculum Map
Y4 Curriculum map
Y5 Curriculum Map
Y6 Curriculum Map

Any further information about the school’s curriculum can be obtained by contacting the school directly.

At the curriculum meetings, parents were keen to have a bit more information about the grammatical terms which are being taught to the children. Below is a link to the DfE National Curriculum glossary as well as a ‘parents’ guide’. Hopefully these will help unravel some of the mysteries surrounding grammar!

DfE Grammar Glossary of Terms
Parent Guide to Grammar