Special Needs


The Staff and Governors believe that all children should receive the opportunity to develop their personal potential, through the provision of a broadly based curriculum, which recognises their social and emotional development and provides access to appropriate learning opportunities. The school recognises that individuals are unique in their interests, abilities, motivation and learning needs and that this diversity should be acknowledged and valued. (See Inclusion Policy)


This policy aims to support all members of staff in providing a positive approach towards the learning and progress of pupils with SEN.

All teachers are teachers of pupils with SEN. Teaching and supporting such pupils is therefore a whole school responsibility requiring a whole school response.

Meeting the needs of pupils with SEN requires a partnership between all those involved, LAs, schools, parents/carers, pupils and agencies involved with SEN pupils

To find the full version of our SEN policy please click the following link:

Special Educational Needs Policy

SEN Information Report

Governors Annual Report. 2024

Local Offer SEND

The school’s SEND coordinator is Miss A Schumm who can be contacted via the school’s main telephone number (01287 635332) or emailed at schooladmin@belmontprimary.co.uk.